Social Media Services Company in Los Angeles

Web traffic from Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can be as significant as from Google when utilized correctly. Tack Media ensures that more people engage with your brand and visit your website, by gaining social visibility and claiming a presence in these important channels.

Engage your audience and Increase awareness of your brand
with Social Media Marketing

Tack Media can develop and monitor, Facebook and Instagram digital marketing campaigns that will drive traffic, increase search engine results, and increase customer loyalty for your company. With nearly 2 billion people currently active on social media channels, there’s never been a better time to take advantage of social media marketing services than right now!

  • Get a Live Quote on Your First Call
  • Speak to a Live Marketing Expert
  • We Never Send Clients to Voicemail
  • 5 Minute Response Chat Times
  • All Inclusive Packages : No Nickel and Diming
  • Customized Packages to Your Budget
Oms Social
  • Social Media Strategy and Management
  • Social Influencer Marketing
  • Social Content Creation
  • Social Posting and Automation

Social Media is the New Word of Mouth

Social media is the new word-of-mouth for the 21st century and can put your organization in direct contact with current and potential new customers. In a modern business landscape, it’s imperative that your brand maintains a presence on social media to give your company maximum visibility while increasing traffic to your website.

Advantages of Social Media Marketing

When trying to comprehend the magnitude of social media's reach. It can have a more personal touch than traditional marketing and advertising because it resembles the power of word-of- mouth referral.
Instagram Ads
Social Media has a lower average cost to acquire a new customer than traditional marketing and advertising methods.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is a great way to get the audience talking about your brand. Working closely with leveraging social influencers to highlight your company or brand.
Social Media Advertising
Social Media is an extension of your customer service, and a layer towards your reputation, and presence of your brand awareness. It’s difficult to stay on top of all of the chatter when you have more pressing matters such as running your business. Hiring Tack Media Agency to take on your social media strategy also means you can ensure you are staying up to date on the latest strategy trends, platforms, and connecting with your audience.
Influencer Marketing The Future Of Marketing
Influencer marketing is becoming one of the top methods for brands to generate higher ROI on their marketing strategies. This is clearly because 80% of consumers trust the recommendations from people they know. These facts make it compelling for brands to leverage influencer marketing services to reach out to their audience through the people they are most likely to trust. We are partnered with influencers directly and often partner with them for our clients' needs.

Connect with Tack

Tack Media AI Digital Marketing Agency