Tack Media Digital Agency

Mobile App Development Services in Los Angeles

In-house Technology Products & Initiatives

Tack Media Collaborates with Mobile First to Introduce macOS Products

Mobile First has built Hunt X, Shots, MFCard - Open Source products for macOS. Looking for a technology partner for your next big idea?

Tack Media Products

Explore some of our products which are free & open source.
Shots for macOS

Missing Screenshot manager for macOS.With Shots, you can manage your CMD + Shift + 3 snaps. We aim to add Computer Vision based Machine Learning to manger it even better

Hunt X for Product Hunt

Product Hunt for macOS. Hunt X is a classic way to navigate Product Hunt on macOS. We have created a leaderboard for Products on macOS app.

MFCard – Open Source

MobileFirst has created an open source CocoaPod for the developer community to easily integrate payments on iOS apps.

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Tack Media AI Digital Marketing Agency