Brand Tagline

In the same way that a logo is the visual you want consumers to have when they think of your brand, the brand tagline is the language you want to pop into their heads immediately. Consider these famous brand taglines:

  •  “Just do it.”
  •  “Finger lickin’ good.
  •  “The happiest place on Earth.”
  •  “Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.”
  •  “Think different.”
  •  “I’m lovin’ it.”

Did you think of the brand right away when you read all of those? Chances are, you did – and with good reason. Taglines stick in our heads and remind us of a brand’s personality and purpose.

But developing the tagline that’s just right for your brand is a difficult journey. You want to sum up the essence of your brand in one short sentence. It has to hit the right notes with your audience – not too serious for a fun brand, not too light for a serious brand, etc. It should be memorable, and if you can make your target consumer stop and think when they see or hear it, even better.

With so much to consider, many brand managers seek the assistance of brand tagline experts like those at Tack Media. We study your brand characteristics, look at the competitive landscape, consider your unique selling proposition, and work to distill all those aspects into one tantalizing sentence. We’ll then give you a list of options to consider, and keep working until we land on the one that’s right for you. To learn more about how to get help with brand taglines, please schedule a free consultation.

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I need a good social media
strategy to grow my business.

My brand management online is
weak and I don t know what to

I want to use Facebook Ads for
more sales

I need strategies on how to
engage more with my followers

My content creation isn t good
anymore, I need fresh ideas

I need new content for my
influencer page.

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Is Infusionsoft marketing automation right for my business?

As an Infusionsoft Marketing Automation Consultant Agency, we witness daily small to medium sized businesses need a better way to stay organized, increase sales, and save time and money. If that is your case, then Infusionsoft marketing automation is for you. Tack Media is an Infusionsoft Marketing Automation Consultant Agency that has helped over 1,000 small business users set up and run marketing automation for business.

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We’re available 5 days a week to learn about your internal marketing automation needs.
  • Automation Solutions

In a customer facing and B2B landscape, marketing automation solutions are not a “nice-to-have” – they are a “must-have.” Simply put, without it, consider your potentials prospects lost before you even start. That is why Tack Media is a US service provider for businesses that want to automate and grow their day to day operations.

  • Expert Advise

Having a marketing automation system isn’t enough sometimes; you need a team of expert who can make it work and use it to its full potential. That is why we can build on whatever tools you currently have implemented.

Tack Media FEATURED in the Press: 2018

Recently featured in a series of 2018 publications in,, ABC's, fit small business, Cision, NBC news, for a recent news pieces in their publications. Tack Media works to contribute to industry news and practices and is the go-to source for many leaders in industry.

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