Social Media Pricing and Services

Find Your Best Customers, Prospects and Clients On The World’s Largest Social Media Network

Social Media Marketing Packages

At Tack Media, we strive to make sure our clients meet their individual company needs and goals. Our Social Media Marketing packages are designed to offer you affordable ways to strategize your results-focused plans and grow your business. Our social media experts have had extensive training coupled with years of experience, all to meet and exceed your social media marketing goals. Whether you’re looking to grow your brand on Instagram, generate leads on LinkedIn, or sell your products on Pinterest, we’re ready to help you get the results you want.
Starter Kit
Starting from $2500 per month
  • One Social Network
  • Customized Social Media Marketing Strategy
  • Profile Optimization
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Brand Reputation Analysis
  • Social Media Content Audit with personalized recommendations
  • Monthly Reporting

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Starting from $3750 per month
  • Starter Kit Plus
  • One Additional Social Network
  • Access to on-site lead tracking
  • Customized Content Creation
  • Campaign Creation and Investment

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Expert Level
Starting from $5500 per month
  • Intermediate Plus
  • Two Additional Social Networks
  • Content Development
  • Ad Text and Image creation and copy
  • Full Social Media Account Management

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Social Media Management Services

With more than 2 Billion users and still growing, Facebook is taking the lead in what advertising should be in the new age of tech. Facebook marketing offers an incredible digital marketing opportunity for your company. You can target your ideal customers or prospects with Facebook data that is available. You can build a rapport and engage your current customers and clients. Facebook digital marketing allows our clients to reach people using geographic, demographic, things they like, and social data. There is no other digital marketing platform that combines all this for an online advertiser.
Facebook Advertising Agency Los Angeles
Facebook ads account for 18% of global digital ad spending. Now Add YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn and you have an tremendous opportunity to reach your customers where they are hanging out online.
Instagram Ads
Find new customers, build your brand, and sell more stuff with Instagram Ad Campaigns. Your email marketing, Facebook ads, and Instagram ads are all in the same place, with no added fees from us.
youtube ads social media services
With YouTube Ads, you can show your video and image ads on YouTube to reach its large amount of users. With several options of enhanced targeting method, your youtube ads will be able to reach a highly targeted amount of users.

LinkedIn advertising

LinkedIn has over 450 million users and over 3 million businesses have set Linked in pages. LinkedIn ads is a great way to utilize this service and take advantage of professional communities.

Our Approach to Facebook Ads Management and Social Media Digital Advertising

While running a Facebook ads campaign may look like it's easy, it actually takes quote a lot of thought and analysis to drive consistent, high-quality web traffic to your website. There are also lead generation form captures and other forms of engagement. But once we find the sweet spot, just watch the magic happen. Social Media Services pricing varies based on level of effort and packages selected. Call us to discuss your options.

Social Media Statistics 2018

Daily Active Users
Local Businesses Page Created since '13
Companies Run Social Ads
Posts Daily
Likes Every Minute
New Users Every Minute
Links Shared Every Minute
All Adults on FB

Understanding your Business and Your Social Media Digital Strategy

While we bring the marketing and advertising background and technical knowledge to the table, our clients know their businesses and the unique characteristics a whole lot more than we do. That is why, we takes the time to learn what it is you do and how you generate new business. Then, we’ll begin researching your industry, and come away with a methodical approach to attracting your customers and how to best appeal to them while they’re hanging out on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter,YouTube and LinkedIn. Call us to discuss your business objectives today, chances are we can tailor a package that works for you. 


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Tack Media AI Digital Marketing Agency